128-bit unique private keyDigital Signature - Secure e-mail communication within the medical industry- medical professionals, clients and third party vendors- is rapidly replacing phone and fax machine usage. Ensuring that no one else can intercept and manipulate e-mail is vital. Guaranteeing the authenticity of the sender is of equal importance. Sending e-mail under another's identity is remarkably simple and can be done to mislead the recipient. PointClear HCS authenticates the sender's identity with the support of 128-bit Digital Signatures.

Upon installation, a 128-bit unique private key is generated automatically and stored on your computer. This key has dual purposes: message decryption and a digital signature. Every time the user selects the encryption option, PointClear HCS applies the recipient's public key to create an encrypted, secure message. Next, a digital signature generated from your unique private key is attached to the message. Upon receipt of the message, the recipients PointClear software uses her or his private key to decrypt the message and your public key to verify the digital signature. This confirms that the message came from your computer. If the message fails digital signature verification, the recipient is alerted to this potentially fraudulent message. This powerful but simple tool is automatically activated.